The End was just the kick in the preps I have been looking
The love of one of my favorite Disaster Scenarios – EMP -
was rejuvinated through the characters and scenarios that G. Michael Hopf
brought to life in his novel, The End.
I found the characters to be very well developed and SO easy
to relate to, without the droning on details of what their favorite color
was. Yes we will have to deal with the
Mindy’s and Dan’s when the Fertilizer Hits The Fan, “Ugggggggggggggh!” I also truly appreciated the flow between
characters and inner stories within this book.
Many times, in other books, it is hard to follow exactly what everyone
is doing and what is going on, scenes and stories are changing but other books
somegimes leave gaps to fill in or stories don’t totally mesh together or it’s
even hard to remember who the different characters are. Not in this one! The way in which Hopf writes was very
refreshing and it easily pulls you in!
The replacement of your average ‘Chapters’ with dates and wonderful quotes
was an inspiring technique that usually made me stop to ponder or say ‘YES!” as
I began each new section.
I can tell you that even the old school preparedness minded
will love this and can learn from this well written tale as well. When the weekly UPS packages stop arriving,
we tend to get a little comfortable and need a little jump start every once in
a while, just like this book provides. We
all need these motivating and thought provoking prompts to remember, refresh
and rethink what we have done, why we have done it and what we still need to
Boy am I glad there are 3 more books in this series because
I can’t wait to see what happens with the Van Zhandt family and the rest of the
New World! When the book ended, I truly
was not ready to put it down!
While you are at it, here is a link for an autographed copy
of the series: http://www.gmichaelhopf.com/#!autographed-copies/c1ouf Hey, Christmas IS coming!
Sidenote: Major Kudos to the editor. I found NO misspellings, which can be a huge
distraction from the story.
~Jen E
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